Led: a simple text editor
Led is a simple text editor. It was written after observing it is in the long run much easier write a custom text editor than it is to configure an existing one.
While led is written from scratch, the key ideas in it are definitely not new. Led is based on vi, but the edit operations bear more resemblence to the text editor Sam. The idea of using text from buffers also for semantic operations was borrowed from Acme. Led is also written entirely in Lisp, much like Emacs. Status
The editor core was recently rewritten to enable some of the less vi-ish features. Many important features have not yet been added to this version. Features
- No longer line based
- Unicode support
- Infinite undo/redo
- Delta screen update
- Asynchronous thread-based operation
- Multiple buffers
- Subprocesses
$ git clone https://haltp.org/git/led.git $ cd led $ make $ bin/led .
Buffer commands
These commands work everywhere regardless off buffer content and edit mode.
Ctrl-n: switch to next buffer
Ctrl-p: switch to previous buffer
Ctrl-h: go to first buffer
Ctrl-q: forcibly close current buffer Command mode commands
Ctrl-f: forward one page
Ctrl-b: back one page
Ctrl-l: repaint and clear status message
Ctrl-w: write current buffer
Ctrl-x: send current selection to subprocess (if any) and paste output after selection
Enter: open selected file or expand directory contents
i: delete selection and enter insert mode
y: yank selection to copy buffer
$: move to end of current line
w: expand selection by one word
m: wait for a key and mark position
': wait for a key and jump to corresponding marked position
.: select current line, including newline if present
h: move left
j: move down
k: move up
l: move right
H: shrink selection by one letter (as in movement)
J: grow selection to next line (as in movement)
L: grow selection by one letter (as in movement)
0: go to beginnig of line
d: delete selection and place content to yank buffer
p: replace selection with content of yank buffer
u: undo command
r: redo command
>: indent selection
<: unindent selection
%: find matching paren forward
e: select parent lisp expression of current selection
W: select word to which current selection belongs
N: toggle line numbers
/: start searching, currently always from beginnig of buffer
n: find next match to last search
Q: close buffer Inset mode
Esc: exit instert mode
Ctrl-w: write current buffer, including changes made in insert mode so far
Arrows: move buffer viewport
backspace: delete an inserted character (but stay in selection) Issues
Having issues? Are they related to led? Send email to aohelin@gmail.com or file a bug at https://gitlab.com/akihe/led.